剪刀尾小学外观. 2面旗帜在学校外面飘扬

MOVING EPS FORWARD Election Date: February 13 Voter Registration Deadline: January 19 Absentee Ballot Request Deadline: January 29 Early Voting: February 8-9, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. PROPOSITION 1: $144 million (Infrastructure/技术) PROPOSITION 2: $3 million (皇冠体育) Highlights NEW ELEMENTARY & 中学(航空站东南角) & Covell) FRESHMAN ACADEMY AT SANTA FE CLASSROOM ADDITIONS Boulevard Scissortail TRANSITION ACADEMY BUILDING (expanding from 16 students in 23-24 to 48 in

IMPROVEMENTS AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS EDMOND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Angie Debo Hallway Flooring Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Centennial Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Charles Haskell Chisholm Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements HVAC Improvements Clegern Media Center and Front Entry Improvements Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Early Childhood Center Multipurpose Saferoom Instructional Materials 技术 & Software Frontier Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Heritage Playground Improvements Instructional Materials John Ross Enlarge Media Center Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Northern Hills Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Orvis Risner Redbud Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Russell Dougherty Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Scissortail Classroom Addition 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Washington Irving Hallway Flooring Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Westfield Hallway Flooring Playground Improvements Instructional Materials Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements HVAC Improvements Classroom Millwork Improvements Roofing Improvements Cross Timbers Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件传输改进技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Ida Freeman Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Restroom Improvements Office Improvements Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Sunset Classroom Improvements Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Will Rogers Playground Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育

IMPROVEMENTS EDMOND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Central Roofing and HVAC Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Cheyenne Roofing and HVAC Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements AT MIDDLE SCHOOLS Cimarron Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Heartland Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Sequoyah Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Summit Roofing and HVAC Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements AT HIGH SCHOOLS Memorial Instructional Materials 技术 & Software Impropritis Turf Baseball Field Turf Softball Field North HVAC Improvements Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Turf Baseball Field Turf Softball Field Santa Fe New Freshman Academy Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育 Improvements Turf Baseball Field Turf Softball Field Boulevard Academy Classroom Addition Instructional Materials 技术 & 软件皇冠体育



拟建小学效果图(左), 中学(中), 圣达菲新生学院(右).


  • 第一阶段新建一所小学

  • 一期新中学建设

    • 最基本的 & Middle 学校 will be built on land the district owns at the Southeast corner of Air Depot & Covell

  • 埃德蒙·圣达菲高中新生学院的建设

  • 林荫学院新增教室

  • 剪刀尾小学新增教室

  • 约翰·罗斯小学的媒体中心

  • Renovations and improvements at several sites including Sunset Elementary, 约翰罗斯小学, 奥维斯·里斯纳小学,  Charles Haskell小学和Clegern小学

  • 埃德蒙幼儿中心的安全室建设

  • Construction or acquisition of a facility for the Edmond Transition Academy for special education

  • 购买新技术设备

  • HVAC, roofing, flooring, lighting and playground improvements district-wide

  • 加强和升级学校安全

  • 学校设备,包括教学需要, 美术, 皇冠体育, 儿童营养, 维护图书馆/媒体中心的书籍

  • 教室里的家具

  • 三所EPS高中的棒球和垒球场地

  • Improvements to the Mitch Park Aquatic Center as part of the district’s agreement with the YMCA


  • 购买新校车

  • 购买新的活动巴士

  • 购买新的运动型多用途车


如果被选民批准, this bond is not planned to raise tax rates for any homeowner in the district.






